We don't make complex websites (unless you want us to). Our principle is KISS (Keep It Simple, Stupid). We put you on the web so people can find you. Simple as that.
We build simple websites on your desired domain name, we configure the emails and we publish everything in less than 2 days.
We create your social media profiles on your requested platforms and we create the necessary connections between them and your website.
We tune up your new website to rank high, organically, on search engines and we manage your social media marketing campaigns for maximum exposure.
A simple website or a landing page is a great way to drive traffic, improve your SEO and build your brand. It can also form part of an effective PPC strategy. Landing pages lead customers to your specific product, service or offer and encourage them to take action. This is your opportunity to create conversions and build your customer base.
Kreshnik Gjoleka
Founder & CEO